Friday, February 03, 2006


Both the Hemlet and the gloves have arrived, yay! :)

I've learned a lot about what I've got in store for me with the helmet thanks to - a great messageboard for all things biker scout btw. Even though to me at first quick glance the helmet was -great-, there's a lot of minor, but important mods that need to be done to it to make it both wearable and accurate. Nothing I can't handle. I hope :) Either way it doesn't matter - for the price, you can't beat this helmet.

The gloves are perfect - pretty damn close to the movie too. I highly recommend.

Next will be the flight suit and the blaster - The flight suit I'm going to get from Ted's Military Surplus, and the blaster will be a resin replica from Polymer Armory that I'll need to do the finishing work on.

In the meantime (and inbetween work on my Jocasta Nu costume) I'll probably do some work on the Cumberbund, aka the Imperial Diaper as I've heard it called ;) There's a lot of vendors out there that do good work for low prices, but I'd like to make it, since I can sew. :P

That's it for now. The studiocreations site is a godsend for this project too.


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